International Symposium Effects of Surface Heterogeneity in Adsorption, Catalysis and related Phenomena



The organizers recommend the four-star Windsor Hotel where the conference will be held. A special discount has been negotiated for the participants of ISSHAC-11. Participants have to make their own arrangements with the hotel using the special booking form.

Download Windsor Hotel reservation form for ISSHAC-11 participants: ISSHAC-11.pdf

Hotel webpage:

There is also opportunity to choose nearby hotel “Warszawianka”.
Hotel webpage:


The Organizing Committee can not accept any liability for medical or other problems. Participants should make their own arrangements with respect to health and other insurance.
The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC, free for EU citizens) gives you access to medically necessary, state-provided healthcare during a temporary stay in Poland under the same conditions as those for the Polish citizens. However, it is not an alternative to travel insurance as it does not cover any private healthcare or other costs.


The weather is usually mild in September, with temperatures ranging from 15° to 20°C. However, an umbrella or a raincoat for occasional showers as well as a warmer coat for cold mornings can be advisable.